Jul 27, 2011

Let your balls hang somewhere else

BONNEAU, S.C. (AP) - A Berkeley County woman will get a jury trial for a ticket she was given by police for displaying big plastic testicles on the back of her pickup truck.

Virginia Tice of Bonneau was given a $445 ticket July 5 that accuses her of violating the state's obscene bumper sticker law.

Police Chief Franco Fuda asked for a jury trial, saying questions of obscenity should be determined by community standards.

Tice's attorney, Scott Bischoff, expects a trial next month. A relative said Tice didn't want to talk about the case before the trial.

She was ticketed after pulling into a gas station in her truck with big red fake testicles hanging from the trailer hitch.

1 comment:

Aamer Waqas Chaudhary said...

Certainly very interesting!